watching rainbows...

Monday, August 28, 2006

(Aug 20, 2006; 8:48AM)

I'm not quite sure whether this is my first blog entry since after my recovery..(wow huh?! parang ganun kalala ang sakit ko..)...but, oh well, (as miggy would say) it goes...

i call "HER" an alien for very very important reasons..(one is that she does not really live here, and that she's sitting right across me, waiting for me to finish so that she could use OUR laptop..oh well, i'll let her wait..)..well it's been quite a silent weekend for all of cousin keeps to his room all day, tinkering with THEIR laptop...playing, studying..basta nasa loob lng siya ng room niya, ok na siya..and i don't blame him..i would love to do the same but such action would imply so many things..(i'm not normally that way..)..well, i know it's mean to think na this would be a very very long and tiring week just because she's here, pero, we'll see..she seems more quiet now..(she can't come through to us..we're too complex for her feeble brain that could only process "HER" stuff, leaving no space for understanding and reason)...well, i hope she enjoys her stay this time though..(believe it or not, she thinks our home is unwelcoming..PUHLEASE!!!!)..anyway, she has ginny, the dog, to talk to any time...she'll be fine..

well, we have this test in History 1 on tuesday, that would span form about the creation of the land forms of the Philippines to the Pre-colonial times..(how long is that?! hmm..a few million years..) (she left!!!! ahahaha!!! guess she can't wait..)...hmm, anyway, this test involves writing down answers in alibata (the ancient pre-colonial alphabet of the Philippines), and although i'm okei with it and it doesn't really take that much effort to learn, it's still freaking me out!!!! it is like 30% of my final grade, and of course, histo?! i can't flunk that subject...there would be no excuse for flunking that subject...although i don't really need it in my course..ahahaha!!

before, i have resolved myself to go on diet..but no, i haven't kept my promise..hahaha!!! well, it's ok..i can start tomorrow (i got sick remember?!)..but if we have more dinners like tonight, (we had buffalo wings, nachos, pot roast and mashed potato) i would definitely lose the battle...hmmm...oh well, we'll see...

i have the cutest cousin ever...he's not a toddler (he's a little older than me for that matter..) but he is just so cute!!!! ahahaha!!!! i love it when he sings...i just love are some of his mixed up tunes and lyrics...(sorry, no name naman eh..):

michael buble's For once in my life:
For once in my life,
I won't let ZORRO hurt me...
(huh?! ZORRO?? okei..ahahahaha!!!! )

little orphan annie's tomorrow:
we can still eat, tomorrow
tomorrow. i love you,
tomorrow and the day before..
(AHAHAHAHA!!!!! bagong version!!!!
and the day before?! you're always a day away..

THOUGHTS OF HIM(a losing battle part 2):
the thought of him is still in my mind..i still think about his smile (oh the smile that launched a thousand ships...), his very amusing laugh (oh that laugh, that laugh..), the jester-ing look in his eyes (oh, how i love that spark of mischief..)..and now i have finally realized that trying not to love him is also a losing friend danielle asks of why i risk these much for such (as she thinks) an unworthy person..(he's not unworthy, i'm unworthy..)..and i give the same answer to you all, because i don't find any reason not to..and i know that if i don't risk this, the regret would haunt me for life...i'm not expecting to get what i want after all these, cause as i said to my friend danielle, it's not always about getting what you want but rather doing something you really want
love to do without thinking of what you may get from it...(am i saying that i already love him?!..err, yes?! i don't know)...(but i am definitely amused by his presence in my life..)

LSS: What Hurts the Most (wla lng..)
Food for the heart:

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot,
A world forgetting, of a world forgot.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,
Each Pray'r accepted and Each wish resign'd.

(obviuosly from the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)


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