watching rainbows...

Friday, September 15, 2006

friday (na naman!)..

it's not a hate campaign:
i know and you know that i don't like her and i am very vocal about it..especially these past few days..i also realia the fact that we will be together for a long time..but i don not really like me an @$$ but i really do not like her..i have tried mighty hard to like her, even accept her..but i just can't..i know that when i say things about her, things that i do not make up but only observe, it always comes out negative..because it is, most of the time..i just do not like her..i am not asking anybody to hate her too because i do, it's not a hate camapign..i have just had too much already..i cannot stomach her of these days, if she persists to be like this, she will definitely hear from me..i do not care anymore..this has got to stop..i say no more..but like i said these are just my own opinions and's not a hate campaign..just my mind talking..


teriyaki friday!:
today i had the greatest lunch ever! we ate at TERIYAKI BOY in Rob..and it was absolutely fun..not just because of the food but also because of the company..we ate so much..but we shared each and everything..and it was really fun..although i really wish everyvody were there..not really the whole block, but my friends..our then separated now together group..i really love my UPM family..i hope we have more times like these..(i'm sure we will, and the next time, everybody will be present..)..i really miss miggy though..i mean, yes we are mos of the time together in the same group, but uhm, things have becamo different now..but i still love him though..and everybady else..


Project Boyfriend Update:
since i would have to study and finish my paper tonight, i now update my promised, i have an update on the scores and little captions..last week both my asymptotic pair and forever bestfriend had zero points and were behind my co-superhero who had 2 points..this week:

aymptotic pair: 1
(the universe has once more conspired for us to collide.)

forever bestfriend: 1
cute.funny.adorable.nice time to see you..(i'm actually crushing on you now..)

co-superhero: 2-1=1
kakatampo ka! ARGH! HRMPF!!


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