S-P-E-E-C-H Pathology!!!
wooohoooooo!!!! we won!!! hahaha!!! after err, a week long of major cramming and complete chaos..we finally did it!!! we never really thought that we would win..(or i at least never thought so..), having finished the whole thing only the night before and having more adjustments on the day itself..all the long days of practice paid off..yes it all did..the fact that we were banned in the astral rooftop seemed such a small thing when we won..yes, i repeat, once again..we won!!! hahaha!!! this is definitely one of my proudest moments in college!!! (sure beats passing math11)
to my co-performers, great job guys!!!! we may have had bloopers (blue jeans), but we really pulled it of...to my PT group (sammy, bunny, bea and milay) great job guys!!! hehe!! i really had fun dancing with you guys...to the OT group (pols, kays, miggy, yssa and cha), we were really great!!! hehehe!!!..to the SP group (micole, marge, ayen, nigel, sani and karen), you guys made me nervous tlga..but you pulled it of!!!! congrats!!! and of course to the star of the show, who by her love for our block and her innate err, lakas ng loob, gave a sensational performance, nis,thanks for riskng your dignity..JOKE!!! wahahaha!!! =p (you will be forever loved guys!!!)
to the non-performers..you all did a great job!!!! i love you guys!!! but i do want to mention a few of you..michael, for yoor tireless efforts to make those t shists, and your intense and much appreciated leadership skills, (where would we be without you?!)..danielle, love, for your blood sweat and tears..i love you dear..thanks for everything..czar, minnie, maic and majo, your presence gave me comfort..thanks guys!!!...keizhia, thanks for the last minute make up..you really made a difference...i love you all guys!!!
let's continue making history together guys!!! i love you!!!!
(NEXT YEAR ULIT!!! back to back naman!!! hahaha!!! =p)
to the PT block 19, thanks for your support repapips..to kevin, JR, micki, kim, dan, papa bear, jen and awie..i love you guys!!! thanks tlga..=p
Being the mamon that i am (yes da, yes czar, i do admit that i am a mamon), i wrote a poem..
(no it's more like scribbles on my notebook)
if john mayer has a love song for no one, this would be its counter part..
lovepoem scribbles for no one...
when i heard a love song today,
i remembered you.
you were never really my kind of guy,
but i really like you.
i saw the sunrise today,
its rays reminded me of you.
you never really talked to me,
but i really like you.
the stars twinkled in the night sky,
i saw a smiling face in them,
yes it was you.
you never really saw me,
but i really like you.
we may talk in silent words,
softer than whispers it may seem.
but i really do like you,
my sunshine, my moonbeam,
the shadow of my dreams.
(yes, czar, i know...it's cheesy..let me have my moments..haha!!!)
to my co-performers, great job guys!!!! we may have had bloopers (blue jeans), but we really pulled it of...to my PT group (sammy, bunny, bea and milay) great job guys!!! hehe!! i really had fun dancing with you guys...to the OT group (pols, kays, miggy, yssa and cha), we were really great!!! hehehe!!!..to the SP group (micole, marge, ayen, nigel, sani and karen), you guys made me nervous tlga..but you pulled it of!!!! congrats!!! and of course to the star of the show, who by her love for our block and her innate err, lakas ng loob, gave a sensational performance, nis,thanks for riskng your dignity..JOKE!!! wahahaha!!! =p (you will be forever loved guys!!!)
to the non-performers..you all did a great job!!!! i love you guys!!! but i do want to mention a few of you..michael, for yoor tireless efforts to make those t shists, and your intense and much appreciated leadership skills, (where would we be without you?!)..danielle, love, for your blood sweat and tears..i love you dear..thanks for everything..czar, minnie, maic and majo, your presence gave me comfort..thanks guys!!!...keizhia, thanks for the last minute make up..you really made a difference...i love you all guys!!!
let's continue making history together guys!!! i love you!!!!
(NEXT YEAR ULIT!!! back to back naman!!! hahaha!!! =p)
to the PT block 19, thanks for your support repapips..to kevin, JR, micki, kim, dan, papa bear, jen and awie..i love you guys!!! thanks tlga..=p
Being the mamon that i am (yes da, yes czar, i do admit that i am a mamon), i wrote a poem..
(no it's more like scribbles on my notebook)
if john mayer has a love song for no one, this would be its counter part..
when i heard a love song today,
i remembered you.
you were never really my kind of guy,
but i really like you.
i saw the sunrise today,
its rays reminded me of you.
you never really talked to me,
but i really like you.
the stars twinkled in the night sky,
i saw a smiling face in them,
yes it was you.
you never really saw me,
but i really like you.
we may talk in silent words,
softer than whispers it may seem.
but i really do like you,
my sunshine, my moonbeam,
the shadow of my dreams.
(yes, czar, i know...it's cheesy..let me have my moments..haha!!!)