Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
(not a stupid doll. a bobo (pronounced as bowbow {as in bow&arrow} doll)
A little while ago, a friend of mine and I were talking about this guy that I likeD (emphasis on the word tense) and how I don't like him anymore. Well, this friend, being a great friend of that person too, kept on insisting that I like him still. Then I kept on thinking of reasons on why I still treat him the same way even if I don't like him anymore. Well, partially the same way, I guess. Then, out of all the stigma of EDSP114, I suddenly remebered Bandura and his bobo doll. Then it hit me, he's my very own, BOBO DOLL.
For those of you who do not know what a bobo doll is, I'll tell you. A bobo doll is that toy that everybody does not know what to call. (haha!) Well, actually, it's that little cylindrical rubber toy that has sand at the bottom. Kids, well, they punch it, and by the powers of the laws of Physics, it comes back up again. My friend then asked if it were like a punching bag, and I think it's not the same as a punching bag. You see, although the purpose is fairly the same, there are a lot of differences between a bobo doll and a punching bag. For starters, a punching bag hangs from the ceiling, it's all way up there and kind of hard to reach, on the contrary a bobo doll stands on the floor and is definitely within a person's reach, it does not sway like a punching bag, it's just there. YES JUST THERE. Another notable difference is the way it comes back when you hit it. a punching bag, when punched, will go back in a swing as a reaction to the force you applied, it's all because of gravity and the force with which you hit it combined, nothing more. On the other hand, a bobo doll pops back up not because of gravity but because of the weight it holds at its feet, yes the force applied may really influence the velocity and force of the bobo doll when pops right back up, but only because the force you applied made it hit the floor and "bounce" back again, fighting back in a very different manner than the gravity-corrupting punching bag. The third difference between the two is the way by which their bodies are formed. The punching bag achieves its shape because of all the sand that fills it up. It is full and is heavy. However, the bobo doll is filled only with air and a little sand at its feet. IT IS EMPTY AND LIGHT. The next difference I can note between these two is the manner by which they loose their shape. A punching bag looses its shape when it looses its sand, through all the punching and force it takes everytime a person hits it. The stitches loosen with every punch and soon the sand in it will fall out. The bobo doll will loose its air when it is poked, when a pointed object is thrust through its skin and when that happens, there's only two things that it may trigger, either the bobo doll pops or it releases all of its air quietly. In the end, both the punching bag and the bobo doll will be a far cry from their previous forms, but their last difference is what is left when all of these happen. The punching bag will have nothing when all its sand falls out, however, the bobo doll, when all the empty light air is gone, will have that little bit of sand it quietly keeps below. IT WILL NEVER BE LEFT WITHOUT ANYTHING.
That is how I see him in my life. He is my bobo doll. My very own bobo doll. I may not solely own him, but in my eyes, he's my only bobo doll. HE'S JUST THERE, HE MAY APPEAR EMPTY AND LIGHT, BUT IN THE END, HE WILL NEVER BE LEFT WITHOUT ANYTHING or even anyone.
(not a stupid doll. a bobo (pronounced as bowbow {as in bow&arrow} doll)
A little while ago, a friend of mine and I were talking about this guy that I likeD (emphasis on the word tense) and how I don't like him anymore. Well, this friend, being a great friend of that person too, kept on insisting that I like him still. Then I kept on thinking of reasons on why I still treat him the same way even if I don't like him anymore. Well, partially the same way, I guess. Then, out of all the stigma of EDSP114, I suddenly remebered Bandura and his bobo doll. Then it hit me, he's my very own, BOBO DOLL.
For those of you who do not know what a bobo doll is, I'll tell you. A bobo doll is that toy that everybody does not know what to call. (haha!) Well, actually, it's that little cylindrical rubber toy that has sand at the bottom. Kids, well, they punch it, and by the powers of the laws of Physics, it comes back up again. My friend then asked if it were like a punching bag, and I think it's not the same as a punching bag. You see, although the purpose is fairly the same, there are a lot of differences between a bobo doll and a punching bag. For starters, a punching bag hangs from the ceiling, it's all way up there and kind of hard to reach, on the contrary a bobo doll stands on the floor and is definitely within a person's reach, it does not sway like a punching bag, it's just there. YES JUST THERE. Another notable difference is the way it comes back when you hit it. a punching bag, when punched, will go back in a swing as a reaction to the force you applied, it's all because of gravity and the force with which you hit it combined, nothing more. On the other hand, a bobo doll pops back up not because of gravity but because of the weight it holds at its feet, yes the force applied may really influence the velocity and force of the bobo doll when pops right back up, but only because the force you applied made it hit the floor and "bounce" back again, fighting back in a very different manner than the gravity-corrupting punching bag. The third difference between the two is the way by which their bodies are formed. The punching bag achieves its shape because of all the sand that fills it up. It is full and is heavy. However, the bobo doll is filled only with air and a little sand at its feet. IT IS EMPTY AND LIGHT. The next difference I can note between these two is the manner by which they loose their shape. A punching bag looses its shape when it looses its sand, through all the punching and force it takes everytime a person hits it. The stitches loosen with every punch and soon the sand in it will fall out. The bobo doll will loose its air when it is poked, when a pointed object is thrust through its skin and when that happens, there's only two things that it may trigger, either the bobo doll pops or it releases all of its air quietly. In the end, both the punching bag and the bobo doll will be a far cry from their previous forms, but their last difference is what is left when all of these happen. The punching bag will have nothing when all its sand falls out, however, the bobo doll, when all the empty light air is gone, will have that little bit of sand it quietly keeps below. IT WILL NEVER BE LEFT WITHOUT ANYTHING.
That is how I see him in my life. He is my bobo doll. My very own bobo doll. I may not solely own him, but in my eyes, he's my only bobo doll. HE'S JUST THERE, HE MAY APPEAR EMPTY AND LIGHT, BUT IN THE END, HE WILL NEVER BE LEFT WITHOUT ANYTHING or even anyone.
(No more explaining to do, I have done it all in the previous paragraph and
it is only up to my readers how they will interpret the things I just wrote.)
it is only up to my readers how they will interpret the things I just wrote.)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
It's funny to note that i just spent what, the last 30-45 minutes, watching babar and rupert the bear. i never ever had the chance of watching these cartoons on TV when i was young, and i didn't even know such shows exisited. You see, we never really had cable when i was young and the kiddie cartoons i watched then were limited to those that were dubbed from english or chinises or japanese and were seen on ABS-CBN, ABC5 and IBC13. The cartoons I distinctly remember include "Julio at Julia", "Sarah: Ang Munting Prinsesa" (who could ever forget miss minchin?!), "Heidi" (the girl who eats cheese and milk every single day, and never gets tired of it), "Super Boink" (i loved how the girl transforms into a pig to save the world...every chubby girl's super hero!) and of course, "Time Quest" (takure! takure!). The cartoon we watched back then were very limited and were either shown during the afternoon or at night, the rest of the day we spent on play. Playing is like the best thing a child could ever do, not minding anything and not thinking about anything more than how to beat the opponent or how the game is played (rules and all), i think that's the one thing kids miss these days. They're all so stuck up with computer games and cable that they miss this very important and very fun of being a child. Well, yeah, i know they're playing in their own rights but which part of their bodies are really moving?! Their fingers?! They should have at least half of what we had back then! They're effing missing the fun! Well, it's always nice to go back down memory lane and soak in the memories of childhood, remembering all the things we used to enjoy when we were still kids. Hey! I'm still a kid! YES! I still am! Even if that "child" in me in hidden deep inside of my heart and my mind! (yes! kid at heart and isip bata?!) I will always be a kid. Always and forever. :)
Thanks to Mr. Ralph Dexter Ko for inspiring my blog entry, although it's not much really. (i'm kinda sleepy na). Thanks to Babar and Rupert Bear (Bear is his last name!) for making me happy inside. haha. who knows?! i might write another entry dedicated to all the games we played when we were still young. hmm. we'll see. ;p
Thanks to Mr. Ralph Dexter Ko for inspiring my blog entry, although it's not much really. (i'm kinda sleepy na). Thanks to Babar and Rupert Bear (Bear is his last name!) for making me happy inside. haha. who knows?! i might write another entry dedicated to all the games we played when we were still young. hmm. we'll see. ;p
Sunday, May 13, 2007
It's so sad when things get messed up. I have been lied to for the past four months. I thought you changed already, but I guess i was wrong. i hate the fact that i believed you and everything you said. i was such a fool to have fallen for your trap. i thought you were my best friend? my gahd. now i just want to forget about everything. i want to forget about you. i do not want to see you ever again. GOODBYE.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
